Saturday, 29 April 2017

Here is Kayleigh sharing her 'ME' poster. She told us all about her grandparents, animals she likes and most importantly the new baby her family is expecting this year. We know Kayleigh will be a lovely big sister to her new sibling. 

All the children will have an opportunity to share about  themselves and their family. So far Jakob and Kayleigh have presented their 'ME' posters with the class, while sitting in my teaching seat, using my sparkly pointer and holding the attention of all the children beautifully!

Here is Jakob sharing his poster and telling us he would like to be a policeman when he grows up to be an adult.
We think Jakob would make a fantastic policeman because he is kind, thoughtful, has lots of initiative and follows the rules.

Term 2 !

Welcome to term 2 to all of our room 8 families!

It seems like a long time since our room 8 children were busy learning and finding out what it means to be a school learner. The children made a great start to school life and are getting to know each other through work and play.

We have our new children starting on the first day so a big Banks Avenue School welcome to Jack, Jackson, Sienna and Sam!