Saturday, 17 June 2017

Sam shared his ME poster and was very well prepared.He knew exactly what he wanted to tell us about himself. We weren't surprised when Sam said he enjoyed playing with his dinosaurs at home - we know Sam likes dinosaurs! He told us he  would like to be an inventor when he grows up. That would be an exciting job Sam!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Here is Adara looking very comfortable in my chair with my sparkly pointer!She told the children alot of things about herself. She has 2 pets and  there are lots of people in her family that are important to her. She enjoyed answering the questions the children asked.Well done Adara!
Milly was excited to be sharing her poster which she had made with her Dad. She told us she would like to be a Ballerina when she grows up. Milly loves going to the Margaret Mahy playground with her family.